تجلیل از هوایار به عنوان واحد تولیدی نمونه

Havayar Awarded as a top manufacturing unit

On Monday, December 16, at the hub of worldwide radio and television conferences, the 13th national festival honoring young producers and managers took place in the presence of prominent business and economic figures from the nation. Mr. Nima Sajdeh -the CEO of the Havayar Company- as well as the Haرayar Company as an outstanding production unit were recognized in this event with a certificate of appreciation and a monument.

هوایار واحد تولیدی نمونه در جشنواره ملی تجلیل از تولیدکنندگان
هوایار واحد تولیدی نمونه در جشنواره ملی تجلیل از تولیدکنندگان
خیلی ضعیفضعیفمتوسطخوبخیلی خوب (هنوز امتیازی داده نشده است)