Havayar in Brief

Today, compressed air is employed as the fourth energy source after electricity, water, and gas in a variety of sectors such as oil, gas, and petrochemical, mining, food, car, textile, health, and many more. The capacity to store compressed air, convert to greater pressures, and use at high temperatures have all played important roles in the creation, usage, and operation of compressed air systems.
Havayar Industrial Group (Private
Joint Stock Company) started its activities in July 1998 to produce industrial
compressors and ancillary compressed air equipment. Now, as one of the youngest
and largest industrial groups in the country, it has established its activities
in the direction of the production, absorption, separation, and compression of
industrial air and gases, as well as the equipment of CNG refueling stations,
to meet the diverse and up-to-date needs of domestic industries.
Our products are in accordance
with the latest technologies and competitive with renowned global
manufacturers. Designing and producing a variety of world-class products,
unique after-sales services, accompanying customers to achieve the final
result, and attention to environmental requirements are our main priorities.
Currently, Havayar is operating in a factory with an area of 30,000 square meters in line with its lofty goals by acquiring the latest technical and specialized knowledge and the most advanced global technology and with a group of more than 500 experienced experts.
We are committed to our responsibilities towards our customers, environment and society.
- More than twenty five years of experience in designing and manufacturing compressed air equipment
- Executor of EPC projects in the field of pressure equipment in the country
- The widest after-sales service network in the compressed air industry
- Using the world’s latest technology in the field of designing and manufacturing equipment
- The widest and most reliable supply and manufacturing network
- Sales and after-sales services to foreign customers of air equipment
Client Companies + Direct Personnel Indirect Personnel The completed project of Havayar ‘s ambitious sales departments is to advance their industry, provide appropriate long-term performance, and contribute to business sustainability.

Havayar firm answers to the diversified and up-to-date demands of local industries with the assistance of more than twenty five years of hard work and devoted activity in the field of producing all types of air compressors, gas compressors, turboexpanders, industrial gases, and Compressed air accessories.
The company’s goods are up to date on technology and can compete with the world’s top manufacturers. The company’s key priority will be the design and manufacture of numerous world-class goods, unique after-sales services, supporting clients until the ultimate result is achieved, and paying respect to environmental standards.

A system of fundamental values has guided all the company’s activities over time; The key values of Havayar are: empathy, work conscience, commitment to quality, organizational learning, professional ethics and respect for customer rights.

A large part of the development of Havayar owes to the employment of motivated and qualified personnel. In order to manage the business, Havayar is always trying to improve the communication processes with the employees through the development of the competence of the employees. All personnel are expected to make every effort to achieve the organization’s goals, and by achieving such a goal for the organization, they will also achieve their personal goals for progress.